The Region

In the year 12024, Earth has undergone dramatic transformations. The air composition has changed significantly after a series of consistent volcanic eruptions followed a cataclysmic supervolcano eruption. These eruptions released massive amounts of aerosols and gases into the atmosphere, drastically altering the balance of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other particles. These changes have created a breathtaking yet surreal phenomenon where the sky refracts dramatic shades of blue and purple. This refractive effect, caused by the increased presence of fine particles and specific aerosols, paints everything—from rocks and moss to woolly yak hair—in beautiful hues, reminiscent of a twilight dreamscape. While visually stunning, this atmospheric change was triggered by a devastating event, so it is important we respect and appreciate both.

Following the supervolcano eruption, society has adapted in various ways. Many saw it as an oppertunity to start over. While society has not rejected technology outright, its use is reserved for essential functions such as medical needs, space travel, and power generation. Many people prefer to live a simpler, technology-free life, finding solace in nature and community. The altered air composition on Earth is no longer ideal for human habitation. Some humans can tolerate it, but the majority have relocated off-planet, leaving Earth primarily to other residents who run the operations and maintain the balance of life on the planet.

Collectors Hollow is our shop located on the island nation of Collectoria. Collectoria is technically a peninsula, but it is called an island because it is cut off from the mainland due to impassable mountains, althought the Apex Moutain Goat and Woolly Yak might disagree with that classification. Collectoria has a storied past. The legend begins with a discovery in Eagle Valley, where the first relic—a 1982 original Indiana Jones figure—was unearthed. Encased in non-biodegradable plastic, it had been preserved for centuries. This was soon followed by the discovery of a 1986 Ghostbusters Proton Pack. News of these findings spread quickly, leading to a frenzy of exploration. The island was found to be covered with priceless collectibles from various eras, their origins shrouded in mystery. Theories abound, but none have been proven. The residents of Collectoria, fascinated by these relics, began to immerse themselves in the old shows, series, and tales from the past, integrating this rich history into their culture. Some even bought TVs, going against their normal practices. And for the record they are not called TVs anymore, they are called HoloVision (HVs) because most are holographic.

Collectoria remains a place of wonder and mystery, where the past and present coexist in a harmonious yet complex relationship. Its residents continue to explore the relics and history that define their unique culture, all under the stunning, otherworldly hues of their transformed sky.

The Southern Coast

On the southern coast of Collectoria lies a picturesque inlet known as Ee Bay, a name humorously derived from the ancient e-commerce site, eBay. This bay is a place of serene beauty and historical intrigue, where the azure waters meet lush, green shores. The name reflects the area's rich history of discovery and trade, as countless relics have been unearthed from its depths and surrounding beaches.

Ee Bay is surrounded by verdant forests and rolling hills that teem with life. The bay's waters are home to vibrant marine life, while its shores are dotted with unique plants that have adapted to the altered atmospheric conditions. The coastal area is known for its radiant flora, which reflects the sky's blue and purple hues, creating a mesmerizing landscape. The waters of Ee Bay have taken on a more vibrant, beautiful shade of blue due to the presence of bioluminescent algae, which thrive in the enriched minerals now found in the bay. This stunning blue is further enhanced by the sunlight filtering through the clear waters, making the bay appear almost ethereal. Among the notable fauna are the Guide Foxes, which are often seen leading groups through the scenic trails along the bay.

The bay area is famous for its archaeological significance. The shores of Ee Bay have yielded numerous artifacts from various eras, much like the rest of Collectoria. One of the most astonishing finds was a cache of Star Wars collectibles, perfectly preserved in the bay's unique environment. These discoveries have spurred a local tradition of "bay digging," where enthusiasts and historians alike search for hidden treasures along the beaches.

Today, Ee Bay is a hub of activity and culture. It serves as a gathering place for both residents and visitors who come to enjoy its natural beauty and partake in the historical richness of the area. Small eco-friendly lodges and research stations dot the landscape, offering a blend of comfort and sustainability. The bay is also a popular spot for water sports and outdoor activities, seamlessly integrating the island's past with its vibrant present.

Meet Some of the Local Residents

Collectoria is known for its diverse inhabitants. These are some of the locals. Everyone has their own skill and all have their special contributions to the region.

Apex Mountain Goat

The Apex Mountain Goat is a remarkable character known for his unparalleled ability to reach the highest peaks and areas that others cannot access. As a key member of the local rescue team, he excels at retrieving rare collectibles from difficult and remote locations, ensuring that these treasures are brought to light. Unlike his counterpart, the Woolly Yak, who prefers to stay on safer paths, the Mountain Goat fearlessly traverses the steepest cliffs and most challenging terrains. In addition to his rescue missions, he is also in the process of opening a local gift shop. His unique skills and ventures make him an invaluable asset to the residents of Collectoria. Read More

Collectorian Woolly Yak

The Collectorian Woolly Yak stands out not just for its luxuriously thick wool, which is spun into the coziest garments, but also for its entrepreneurial spirit. Owners of the innovative Yak Express, these hardworking yaks are the backbone of the regions economy, embodying teamwork and community spirit. Renowned for their vibrant social gatherings, the Woolly Yak is a a pivotal member of society.

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Western Wisdom Owl

The Western Wisdom Owl is Collectoria's feathered sage, a nocturnal luminary whose wisdom illuminates the lives of all residents. Not content with merely perching on the annals of knowledge, he contributes a monthly blog post to "The Hollow's Scroll," where he unravels mysteries and offers advice. In collaboration with the Guide Fox, this owl ensures no resident ever loses their way, both online and in the forest's winding paths. His insights are as deep as the night sky under which he flies, making him a beloved figure among the island's curious souls.

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Messenger Raven

The Messenger Ravens are the entrepreneurial geniuses behind Raven Communications, the premier service handling a whopping 95% of all regional communications. With their sleek feathers and unmatched speed, these ravens ensure that every message, parcel, and secret missive reaches its destination with precision and flair. They have woven a network of whispers and words that binds the community together. Read More

Guide Fox

If you ever need assistance in Collectors Hollow, look no further than the Guide Fox. This clever resident stands ready to navigate you through the mysteries of Collectors Hollow. Known for its quick wit and even quicker paws, this fox doesn't just answer questions—it enlightens, with a flick of its tail or a sparkle in its gaze. So, should you ever feel lost within the wonders of Collectors Hollow, just call on the Guide Fox, and you'll find the answers you seek are but a whisker away. Read More

Collectorian Data Panther

In the depths of the Data Cave prowls the Collectorian Data Panther, a majestic and stealthy guardian of the realm's most precious asset: the residents' data crystals. With eyes glowing in the dim light, this vigilant protector ensures that every byte of information is kept safe from prying eyes, embodying the ultimate symbol of privacy and security. The Data Panther doesn't just guard; he encrypts and secures with a purr, making him the unsung hero of Collectoria's digital age. Read More

Collectorian Squirrels

The Collectorian Squirrels are the intrepid explorers and astute gatherers of Collectoria. With a keen eye for the rare and the valuable, these nimble creatures scour the land from the loftiest peaks to the deepest valleys, unearthing treasures that become the cornerstone of the island's collectibles market. Far more than mere foragers, they operate an independent marketplace were they buy artifacts from all over. They are the go-to distributors for most of the lands stores. Read More

King Tracking Eagle

High above, the majestic King Tracking Eagles reign supreme, their keen eyes and enduring flight the backbone of the realm's logistics and also member of the search and rescue operations and are the unsung heroes of package tracking. And for those moments when a Yak finds itself befuddled at a river's edge, a King Tracking Eagle is there to lend its wings, ferrying our woolly friends across. You can rest assured the King Tracking Eagles are watching over you. Read More

Night Wolf

Under the moonlit skies of The Hollow, the enigmatic Night Wolves roam, their silent paws treading the line between myth and reality. Encountering a Night Wolf is a sign you've strayed too far from safety, but fear not—these creatures are guides in their own right, reminding you to seek the Guide Fox's light to find your way back. Read More

Carnivorous Chipmunks

The Carnivorous Chipmunks reign as the island's most formidable inhabitants. Deceptively cute, these pint-sized predators pack a punch far beyond their size, with sheer numbers and ferocity capable of overwhelming even the stoutest Yak. A curious mutation has stripped them of fear, turning these fluffy bundles into fearless, coordinated packs of relentless hunters. Encounters with them are rare, and for good reason—there is no known strategy for deterring a creature that knows no fear. Read More

The rich tapestry of Collectoria is woven with countless stories, historic tales, and lore, each more captivating than the last. These narratives, passed down through generations, add depth and character to the island, making it a place of endless fascination and discovery. From the daring escapades of the Mountain Goat scaling the highest peaks to the vigilant patrols of the Night Wolves under the moonlit skies, every corner of Collectoria holds a story waiting to be told. The vibrant community thrives on these tales, cherishing the unique blend of myth and reality that defines their world.

The Hollow's Scroll, our dedicated monthly blog, will be the primary source for sharing these stories and historic lore with the residents of Collectoria. Here, the Western Wisdom Owl will unravel mysteries and offer sage advice, while other characters contribute their experiences and insights. Readers can look forward to a treasure trove of narratives that illuminate the island's rich history and vibrant present. Whether you're a long-time resident or a curious newcomer, The Hollow's Scroll promises to be an essential read, keeping you connected to the heart and soul of Collectoria. Stay tuned and immerse yourself in the timeless tales that make our island truly unique.