Collection: The Simpsons

"The Simpsons" is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The show premiered on December 17, 1989, and is set in the fictional town of Springfield. It follows the lives of the Simpson family: Homer, the bumbling and lovable father; Marge, the patient and caring mother; Bart, the mischievous 10-year-old son; Lisa, the intelligent and socially conscious 8-year-old daughter; and Maggie, the pacifier-sucking baby. Known for its satirical depiction of American culture, society, politics, and the human condition, "The Simpsons" has become a cultural phenomenon and one of the most influential TV shows of all time.

Over its extensive run, "The Simpsons" has produced over 700 episodes and is the longest-running American sitcom and animated series. The show has received numerous accolades, including dozens of Primetime Emmy Awards, and has been praised for its wit, humor, and clever storytelling. It has also spawned a feature film, "The Simpsons Movie" (2007), as well as various merchandise, comic books, and a theme park attraction. "The Simpsons" remains a significant part of popular culture, continuing to entertain and influence audiences worldwide with its unique brand of humor and sharp social commentary.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official Simpsons website and the Simpsons Wikipedia page.