Collection: Final Fantasy
"Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" is a 2001 animated science fiction film directed by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the "Final Fantasy" video game series. Released on July 11, 2001, the film is notable for its groundbreaking use of computer-generated imagery (CGI) to create lifelike characters and environments. Set in a dystopian future where Earth is overrun by alien phantoms, the story follows Dr. Aki Ross (voiced by Ming-Na Wen) and her mentor, Dr. Sid (voiced by Donald Sutherland), as they attempt to save humanity by finding a way to neutralize the alien threat. They are joined by a military squad led by Captain Gray Edwards (voiced by Alec Baldwin).
Despite its visual innovation and the high expectations set by its association with the popular game franchise, "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" received mixed reviews and was a box office disappointment, grossing only $85 million against its estimated $137 million budget. Critics praised its animation and ambitious storytelling but found fault with its complex plot and lack of connection to the game series' traditional elements. Nonetheless, the film has gained a cult following over the years, appreciated for its technical achievements and its attempt to push the boundaries of animated filmmaking.
For more information, you can check out its IMDb page.